Monday, January 4, 2010

Raw Tiger on February 2009 Cover of "Vanity Fair"

Tiger Woods Raw

Tiger Woods, on the cover of the February 2010 "Vanity Fair." Really, I think that this is adding to his troubles, but who knows? He has only one way to go, and that is up once more (Courtesy: VF)

Yup, it’s by house photographer Annie Leibovitz, and there’s an article that accompanies it.

Folks, it was done BEFORE the jumpoffs came out of the woodwork. I cannot believe this.

This is beginning to seem like one of those co-inky-dinks, like when Vanessa Williams became the first black Miss America 1984, and the second runner-up, Suzette Charles, just happened to be black, too. I still wonder whether the pageant people knew something was up, and only ditched Vanessa when the incriminating lesbian S & M photos came out. Charles was there like an insurance policy against a fck-up.

Like I said, to me, this looks more than just a coincidence. However, he didn’t have to crash his SUV, either.

Frankly, he’s looking like a thug in this cover photo. I’m not sure that I am digging this, but in retrospect, it looks like he was putting on, for the first time perhaps, his blackness. It makes me think of Joe Louis, the second black heavyweight boxing champion, and the antithesis of Jack Johnson. You know. That Jack Johnson, who bedded and wedded white women.

Tiger reminds me of both.

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