Friday, January 1, 2010

2 Years BP: 12/31/07

My one moment summation of three years with Kate, was also one of the final moments. We had plans to spend the night. She would never spend Christmas, or even Christmas Eve, with me and my family, despite the fact that my parents loved her so much they hung a stocking with her name on it right next to mine. They treated her nicer than they treat me, but she still wouldn’t sacrifice a holiday after three, increasingly tedious, years.

And since the prior two New Year Eves together involved her passing out or vomiting by 10pm, she promised me a good one, finally.  But she blew me off with this whole song and dance that was so flimsy I don’t even remember the specifics. Of course, it later came to light that she had been cheating on me for six months at this point.  So I hit the wall…and not just in the figurative sense.  I told her it was over, for real this time.

I proceded to spend the entire day punishing my liver and trying to forget that the last three years of my life even happened.


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