Monday, January 11, 2010

The Lover of My Being

Brazen strength with matchless beauty

Bronzed arms of iron sensitive

Calloused hands of cotton soft

Brawny muscle ripple under a chest of flesh

A chest of love that beats only for me

A day without him

Is a lifetime of loneliness

He loves my being for who I am

Not for what I will be

I know that in his eyes; I’m mint

Eyes of love survey my figure

Within my lover’s sight I am

When the sun shines on your face

I can’t help but want to be in your embrace

Take me in and let’s hold one another

In you I want to linger

Taste you and know you

Pleasures are found within the arms of my lover

He alone I find my affection

Within his gaze I bathe

His tender hands caress me

Washing me clean unto only himself

With choice perfumes I prepare myself for him

Readied in gowns he’s bought for me

Adorned in sapphires, diamonds, rubies, and pearls

Readied for me my lover prepares

A room, a bed, a gown … just for me

I yield my being for his enjoyment

Against his breast I lay my head

My body he embraces as I embrace his

His hands roam my body freely

His lips kiss my hidden places

His mouth drips with nuggets of love for me

His love I open myself to

I love to be in my lover’s arms

In my lover’s embrace I am

Lover of my being

Let me press against you

Feel your presence deep within my soul

Open my eyes

And let me know you

To you I submit

Know me fully, deeply, entirely

I am yours

And you are mine

The lover of my being

Here I am

Make me into what you want me to be

Take me into your arms

Make me do what you want me to do

I am yours



Jonathan Watson

January 10, 2010

It is my personal experience that I’ve often viewed my relationship with God in a way similarly as I view other relationships in my life, a father, a mentor, or some other figure that was or was not in my life.  I believe that many times we transpose an earthly relationship upon our heavenly father and seriously muddle the waters of what He longs for with us, an intimate relationship.  Oftentimes, we are less than comfortable bearing ourselves to those we say we love, let alone to God.  Our past hurts and insecurities limit our ability to be vulnerable and know the fullness of our Lover’s embrace.  The majority of this poem was written after worship at church yesterday.  It’s an analogy of how we are in the eyes of our lover, Jesus.  It has been a breath of true reality seeing the Lover of my soul through the lens of a conjugal relationship, one for which He created and established.  I love seeing Him as the one who loves me, fully.  It is a new vantage point for me; one that God has been revealing to me for the last two and a half years. 

As we are told in the Bible that God does sing and dance over his Bride, and though it might be a little “old school,” I think there’s a chance that God might sing the country song by Crystal Gayle called “Somebody Loves You.” And though I don’t really like how Steve Holy performs in his video, maybe God hopes that we might one day we might sing back to Him a song like “Good Morning Beautiful” By Steve Holy. 

Until later . . .

P.S. Wanna see more of my fastidious and incisive enponderments? I invite you to join me on the vectored dance floor of life as I muse on my journey through the terpsichorean edifice called life. Enter here.

Jonathan Watson

January 11, 2010

Blog: The Terpsichorean Vector


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