Monday, January 18, 2010

Going Commando

So, as a woman, I would like to know how often you ‘go commando.’

Simply put, the term ‘going commando’ refers to wearing no underpants. I was curious the “official” defination, so I went to the Urban Dictionary (where I look up everything from soggy muffin to cholo) and the said to go commando is a cure for VPL. What is VPL you say? Either means visable panty line, or visable penis line.

I never wore underwear before I got pregnant. Why you ask?

-Feels more free

-Great conversation starter at the bar

-Cut down dramatically on laundry

So, am I the only one?  I must not be the only chick who does it, and I KNOW  there’s a lot of dudes that do it. I wanna hear it guys.


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