Monday, January 4, 2010

Rapist's card leads to 15 years in prison

A man who gave his business card to one of three girls he raped was sentenced to 15 years in prison after he was found guilty in all three cases by a court in Nanjing, of east China’s Jiangsu province, local media reported Saturday.

The 30-year-old suspect had lured a girl into his car and then raped her in June 2009. Assuming the girl was a prostitute, the suspect gave his card to the victim and also forced the girl to reveal her phone number, the Modern Express reported.

The victim didn’t report the attack to police immediately for fear of losing face, but the suspect kept harassing her.

The suspect was easily caught with the phone number provided by the victim and was found guilty through DNA checks of raping two other girls in 2005. He also robbed 1,000 yuan and a cell phone from the victims in 2005.

bron: [2-1-2010]


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