Friday, February 12, 2010

Nat Geo & the Soup of Life

Tonight at 10:00 pm on the National Geographic Channel, they are showing a Naked Science episode about the origins of life. To quote the National Geographic website:

“How did life on Earth begin? And why here? Some believe it arrived on an extraterrestrial meteorite. Others claim it began in a warm pond on early Earth. Or could volcanoes and lightning have sparked early life? Now, research teams are racing to understand how life may have begun – by creating it themselves. Watch as a scientist mixes up a batch of primordial soup and then zaps it with a bolt of electricity, a la Dr. Frankenstein. The results: amino acids, the building blocks of all life.”

I believe this is proof of the validity of evolution. I will discuss the show further after I have watched it. Will update this post with my thoughts.


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