Monday, February 22, 2010

Let the Record Show:

Evidence has arisen from an unnamed source in the form of a photograph that would suggest that it was in fact Josh that did the alleged peeing. I have spent some time analyzing the photo, as well as weighing out all of the facts and must remain unbiased and reserve judgment on this matter. This photo seems to prove that Josh is the perpetrator, but this journalist isn’t completely convinced. I have to maintain that it doesn’t matter who peed the bed because really, both parties woke up half-naked covered in piss.

I don’t usually sink to such forms of sensationalism (can you taste the sarcasm in that statement?) but I feel that I must that it is my journalistic duty to make this photo available to the public. Sorry Josh, I had to do it. This picture is rough. It should be a part of a public service announcement or something. Kids this is what happens when you drink too much. You lose your integrity. You’ve been warned.

NSFV (not safe for viewing) photo after cut:


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