Friday, March 5, 2010

Wow - You Guys Are Pretty Openminded!

I didn’t know really what sort of response to expect to  my post about anal sex.  We don’t get a lot in the way of comments on this blog.  The only way we know if it is a popular topic is if their is a spike in the numbers of people visiting a particular post.  And there was a spike for this one!   Not only that, but quite a few people clicked through and purchased anal toys!  I am impressed!  I love experimental people.

Sex is fun, and sex toys are just an added dimension to that fun.  Whether you are using them alone, as a partnership or group, they are used to enhance the sensations that you are feeling, or to provide a stimulus that is different to the norm, or a stimulus that you wouldn’t normally get.  They allow you to experiment, and to find out more about yourself.  And finding more about yourself, and your partner(s), and communicating what you know, is the best thing you can do for your sexlife!

Don’t be afraid to explore, and remember, Lube Is Your Friend!




No Complaints. Only Moans.


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