Monday, November 30, 2009

Wonder why games aren't taken seriously?

Some hobbies are taken seriously, some are not. Some sports are taken seriously, some are not. Gaming is an activity popularly (and perhaps ignorantly) connected to immature and pubertal males. Why? Well, gaming tournaments like these definitly don’t help.

Game conventions like E3 are, to a large extent, the very display window of the game industry. And what would a gaming convention be without pleasant looking women with big boobs? Unheard of to most participants. We want to looka at new games, and we want them to be surrounded by half naked women.

A book convention or a film convention would be a much more classy experience. Why can’t games be classy? Well, that’s a good question. When a Counter Strike championship is taking place, and a pair of naked women start to rub themselves up against the competitors, in order to destract and test team loyalty, then serious isn’t exactly the first word that comes to mind.

When will the gaming industry grow up? Not in a while, it seems.


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