Thursday, September 10, 2009

new site, more travel and guitars!

So much is going on with my life right now so I probably wont have time to post anything new for awhile but figured I’d update everyone on what is going on. First things first, I have decided to rebuild my old website since I am not really happy with certain things about wordpress. I will most likely keep this as a blog and just imbed it into one of the pages of my new site. It will probably take me awhile to get my old site up again because even though I think I still have the html and CSS files I just haven’t had much free time recently. I have two photo shoots this weekend that I am very excited for. I have also been re-learning how to play guitar. Years ago I used to be able to play speed metal but had to quit because I was starting to get odd pains in my hands that I think were carpel tunnel. But lately I’ve really been missing playing so I figured I’d give it another shot. I also have a photographer who wants to shoot me naked with my guitar so that should be fun.

And speaking of fun awesome shoots, I will most likely be traveling to Seattle and Vancouver sometime this November. It will be a mix of sight-seeing and photo shoots I’ll post more details on that as soon as I have them.


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